Visit our Bear Building Studio
Whether you are coming from Hadleigh, Ipswich, Stowmarket, Bury, Colchester, Sudbury or even further away we are very easy to find. We are located in The Suffolk Craft Shop/Glass & Craft building at Kersey Mill in Suffolk with ample FREE PARKING!
Just simply put our postcode (IP7 6DP) in to your satnav or follow the directions below.
Getting to the Bear Barn from Stowmarket & Bury St Edmunds
From Stowmarket and Bury st Edmunds follow the A14 towards Ipswich. come off at the A12\A14 Copdock interchange and turn left on to the A1214 London Road. Carry on straight at the next round about and when you get to the Holiday Inn turn left on to the A1071 towards Hadleigh. Follow directions from Ipswich above.
Getting to the Bear Barn from Sudbury
From Sudbury take the A134 Newton Road towards Newton. Turn left on to the A1071 sign posted Hadleigh, Boxford and Ipswich. Stay on the A1071 for abot 7 miles. Just before you get to Hadleigh turn left on to the A1141 sign posted Lavenhan. Drive about half a mile and turn right in to Kersey Mill. Follow the track around to the main car park where you can park from free.
Getting to the Bear Barn from Colchester & Essex
From Colchester and Essex take the A12 towards Ipswich. Take the exit sign posted Holton St Mary and Raydon. Follow the B1070 into Hadleigh town centre and past the council offices until you reach the A1071. Turn left then immediately turn right on to the A1141 sign posted Lavenhan. Drive about half a mile and turn right in to Kersey Mill. Follow the track around to the main car park where you can park from free.
Getting to the Bear Barn from Ipswich
From Ipswich take the A1071 towards Hadleigh. Stacy on the A1071 for about 6 Miles and just past the turnings for Hadleigh & Morrison’s turn right on the A1141 sign posted Lavenhan. Drive about half a mile and turn right in to Kersey Mill. Follow the track around to the main car park where you can park from free.
The all new Bear Barn Workshop is located in Glass & Craft at Kersey Mill near Hadleigh in Suffolk.